General Information

**Our Classroom Welcome Letters are available in both Arabic and Spanish**

Our Center’s Atmosphere

We feel that your child’s experiences at our Center should be happy and rewarding ones.  We know that your child is a unique individual and should be treated as such.  We believe that equipment alone does not make a learning center and we therefore entrust our teachers with creating a warm, loving, and teaching atmosphere for all children. Each classroom has its own daily schedule which is conducive to the ages of its children.

Program Services

We offer child care services from infancy to school age.  We are licensed to care for children two weeks of age through twelve years.  Our current program for Early Beginnings to Preschool Two is structured from September to June, ending with a Preschool Two graduation for family and friends to attend. The same format of care is sustained during our summer program which continues with the weekly theme, but is geared toward summer fun activities. Our facility is fully equipped with all toys and educational materials that will be needed throughout your child’s day. We ask that, in order to allow arrival and pick-up times to run smoothly, please do not allow your child to bring any personal belongings not needed for daily care. Little Jungle Network cannot assume responsibility for lost or damage of any personal possessions children may bring to the school.

All children who attend the Center for a full day are required to rest. If a child does not sleep during rest time he/she will be given quiet activities.

We employ many techniques to teach children and make learning fun, such as using water play to teach mathematics and science concepts or bicycle and tricycle use to teach balance and real world applications!  Theses are not only fun activities for children, but also teaching opportunities! We are constantly expanding our repertoire of information used to teach children and continually embrace new ideas that will help us develop children!

Financial Policy

We are a non-cash facility.  All tuition and fees must be made via the online invoice and are due the Friday before the Monday of care. If tuition is not paid by Friday at 11:59 p.m., it will be considered late.  The late fee is $5.00 per day.  We review our tuition rates annually. Additional fees may be requested from time to time enable your child to participate in special events, such as field trips.

Discount Policy

Family Discount– A weekly 5% discount will be applied to the oldest child’s tuition rate when two siblings are attending full time. For each additional child enrolled full time, the weekly discount will be increased by 5%, but is still only applied to the oldest child’s tuition rate.

Referral Discount– If a client is referred by a current client, a $10 discount for 10 consecutive weeks will be applied to the weekly total tuition payment after both the referring client and referred client have been enrolled for one month.  Referral Discount Form must be completed.

Military Discount– A weekly 10% discount will be applied to the child’s tuition for someone who is active or retired within the household of the student.

Parent Involvement

Parents are always welcome to join in our daily adventures. If your child is enrolled with us, you are permitted to visit unannounced, anytime during our business hours in order to visit with your child and take part in the daily activities. We also value parents’ opinions, but please remember that each teacher’s purpose is to educate and care for all children within their classroom.

If your question or concern cannot be answered or rectified, feel free to schedule an appointment with the Center Director.

Visiting Classrooms

Children who have reached 30 months of age may be enrolled in a three year old classroom with written parental permission and director approval.  Tuition rates do not change until your child is three years old.

Children who are nearing 4 years of age may be enrolled in the four year old classroom with written parental permission and director approval.  Tuition rates do not change until your child is four years old.

Financial Policy (DHS clients)

*At this time DHS clients have ZERO DOLLAR copay

We accept payment from the State of Michigan Department of Human Services.  If you are eligible for child care assistance through DHS certain items must be completed before we accept your child to the Center.

  1. You must provide proof of eligibility from DHS

  2. Your proof of eligibility must include: a start date, number of hours for which you are approved and department maximum hourly rate

  3. You must complete Tuition Agreement 

Once your co-pay is determined, all tuition and fees must be made via the online invoice and are due the Friday before the Monday of care. If tuition is not paid by Friday at 11:59 p.m., it will be considered late.  The late fee is $5.00 per day. 

If you choose to enroll your child and begin child care before you are approved by DHS, the normal tuition rates will apply until proof of eligibility is confirmed.  Once eligibility is confirmed your account will be credited the appropriate amount, if applicable.  No refunds will be given.

Late Fees

We understand unforeseen issues do arise, so we therefore allow two “late departures” per student, per school year before you are charged a late fee. Late fees begin to accrue at 6:01 p.m. at the rate of $2.00 per minute.

Potty Preference

We support the potty training process by becoming partners with you to help your child become potty trained. We believe potty training should be a positive experience that instills confidence in your child. We do utilize a reward system, but do not use candy or food to encourage your child to potty.  Potty training is developmentally based; our educators will observe your child and determine if he or she is ready to being potty training.  It is important that children who we AND you believe are ready to being potty training reach developmental marks before beginning potty training.


Little Jungle provides a wide range of activities to enhance your child’s learning experience.  Our curriculum focus is developmental, social, physical and psychological in nature.  We believe that children have to learn basic skills in their infant and toddler years, and more structured skills as they develop through preschool years, pre-kindergarten and beyond.  Our Center’s goal is to create an environment that allows your child the ability to social play and structure play throughout the day.  We have several classrooms that are divided by age and developmental scope.

Center Closures

We are closed for the following holidays or in observance of those holidays:

Thanksgiving Day, Day after Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Year’s Eve, New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Election Day (only Presidential Election)

We are also closed for the following days (these dates change yearly and are specified in the enrollment forms) :

At least two Professional Development Days* and Spring Break*

Center closures are limited, but do occur. In the event the Center will be closed, you will receive a text message via the Tadpoles texting system and /or email. Tuition is still charged for these days as we compensate staff . The days denoted with a (*) will not be charged tuition at this time.

The Magic of Play

Many parents are concerned with structured “class” time for their children.  While this is an important aspect of teaching children, we at Little Jungle Network also utilize the magic of play.  Play times create opportunities for your child to interact with other children and to learn the skills of conflict resolution, sharing, and social engagement.  We use a combination of “class” time and play time to develop the whole child.

Sometimes playing can get messy! We recommend all children wear comfortable clothes and shoes.  (In order to prevent accidents while playing, please dress children in either tennis shoes or sandals with a back strap. Rain boots and winter boots are not permitted to be worn in any of the Centers).  We also ask that if your child is potty trained and wearing underwear and wears a dress or skirt that they wear shorts or bloomers underneath.  Learning can be facilitated in more than one way and by more than one person. Parents and educators are partners in educating children and our programs are experience-oriented rather than result-oriented.

Withdrawal Criteria

If you choose to withdraw your child from our Center, you must provide an emailed two-week notice before withdrawing your child. Your account will still be charged for those two weeks and payment will be expected even if your child does not attend.

Arrival Criteria

Little Jungle requires students to be clocked in by 8:30 am. If an unforeseen circumstance does arise and a student cannot be in by 8:30 am, they may be dropped off no later than 12:00 pm. We will not accept students after 12:00 pm. Entry to the parking lot before 8:30 am is off of Russell and the exit is on Euclid. Gates close at 8:30 am and should not be reopened by parents. There is a single gate on each side of the larger gates to enter when the larger gates are closed.

Disenrollment Criteria

Little Jungle reserves the right to disenroll due to delinquent account, due to the safety of the child or other children/staff, or due to the child’s medical care is outside the scope of our training and education.

Staff Requirements

In compliance with licensing rule 400.5102, dictated by the State of Michigan Licensing Rules for Child Care Centers, Little Jungle Network has in place a written screening policy which includes, but is not limited to, subjecting employees to: criminal background checks, abuse and neglect checks, driving record checks, medical clearances (including TB tests), drug testings and reference checks. All educators must also yearly sign the Child Protection Law Acknowledgment and keep the following trainings current: 24 annual clock hours, adult/child/infant CPR, first aid, blood borne pathogen, safe sleep and shaken baby syndrome.