For The Mind and Body

While here, our students experience a world that is founded on mutual respect for all genders, ethnicities, languages, cultures, family dynamics, and physical and mental capabilities.

For The Mind


Dimensions Of Wellness—A local counseling facility to which we refer our families.

Early On—We partner this program to help assist children and their families with developmental delays or who are at risk for developmental delays. This program helps “promote the develop of their infants and toddlers with special needs”.

English Second Language (ESL)—We currently have Spanish speaking staff and some documents are available online in both Arabic and Spanish translations.

Ages and Stages Questionnaire—This screening tool allows us to assess our student’s development.

The P.A.T.H to Calm—This mental health tool is posted in each classroom and is utilized by staff and may be used with children when developmentally appropriate. This tool helps our students and staff to Pause, Acknowledge, Think, and Help.

For The Body


Early On—We partner this program to help assist children and their families with developmental delays or who are at risk for developmental delays. This program helps “promote the develop of their infants and toddlers with special needs”.

Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP)—This federal program allows us to serve healthy meals and snacks to children in our care, as well as accommodate their dietary preferences and allergy.

Physical Activity—Weather permitting, our students go outside for at least 30 minutes every 3 hours.

Ages and Stages Questionnaire—This screening tool allows us to assess our student’s development.

Andy’s Modern Garden—We partner with a local vertical, indoor garden that supplies us with fresh microgreens.